Tom Johnson

“Men are the worst. I was reluctant to go to a psychiatrist.”

–Tom Johnson
Former CEO, CNN,
& Publisher LA Times

Ideas for outreach activities

Here are some ideas about ways to use the resources in different settings.

Film Screenings

  • Organize a community film screening event with a panel discussion or talk by mental health professional or patient advocate
  • Organize a screening in a workplace setting using the video for ages 30-55 which focuses on stresses felt in the working years - if there are younger workers, use the video for ages 18-30
  • Organize a screening at a senior center using the video for ages 55+ which focuses on the challenges of older adults
  • Organize a screening in a faith-based setting as a stand-alone event or as an addition to a bible study or other regular activity - members of the American Association of Pastoral Counselors would be fitting professionals to invite to these events
  • Organize a screening on a college campus using the video for ages 18-30 in which college age men describe their depression and how they got help
  • Organize a screening for teens in a recreation or educational setting using the video for ages 18-30 video in which young men reflect on their experience as teens with depression
  • Organize a screening for parents of teens using the video for ages 18-30 video in which young men and their families reflect on their experience as teens with depression
  • If your organization holds support groups or you attend a support group, show one of the videos or a clip or clips and/distribute the resource booklet to the group (available online to download and copy)
  • Donate a copy of the outreach DVD to your local library
  • Bring the materials to health fairs or other events you attend and show the videos or clips at your booth or table
  • Show the videos in the waiting room of your office or clinic; make copies of the booklet available to read along with your other periodicals
  • There is a strong suicide prevention message in all of the videos - incorporate these videos into suicide prevention efforts in your community

The primary goal of community outreach is to get help to those who need it. We encourage you to include a mental health professional or resource person at all community events. If that is not possible, please have available contact information for local resources and the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Call Toll Free  1-800-273-TALK (8255).

Please let us know what you are doing -- we can promote your event on this website and in our monthly campaign newsletter.